Are you perplexed about the meaning of the term NATION-STATE ? Well, it is indeed a perplexing term, but I am here to help you get rid...
Are you perplexed about the meaning of the term NATION-STATE? Well, it is indeed a perplexing term, but I am here to help you get rid of these perplexes, so everyone out there here you go with a small article defining the term Nation-State….
Nation-States defined as
autonomous geopolitical entities inhabited by citizens sharing the same
language, history and ethnicity. The nation state "is one where the great
majority are conscious of a common identity and share the same culture"
(Davis; 1997). The nation-state is a system of political, geographical, and
cultural Organization where people with a common identity live inside a country
along with firm
borders and a single government. The word nation is derived from the Latin verb
nasci (to be born) and its noun form, natio (connoting breed or race).

The nation as we think of it today is a
product of the nineteenth century. In modern times nation is recognised as
'the' political community that ensures the legitimacy of the state over its
territory, and transforms the state into the state of all its citizens. The
notion of 'nation state' emphasises this new alliance between nation and state.
Nationality is supposed to bind the citizen to the state, a bond that will be
increasingly tied to the advantages of a social policy in as much as the
Welfare State will develop (Smelser, N. J. and Baltes, P. B.; 2001)
In modern times the
nation is the largest effective community which is permeated by a common
consciousness of a common kind, which is held together by its physical
boundaries, its government, and the fact that the people believe they are
connected to each other. In modern nation-states, the three elements which are
the backbone of nation-state are sovereignty, territorial integrity, and legal

The rise of several
non-state actors and constraints due to spread of Nuclear weapons, growing
inter-dependence among the states compromising on national interests and
regional integration, growing role of public opinions and MNCs are responsible
for weakening the nation-state system acting as setback factors.
To know more you can visit these significant topics:
The Development of Literacy and Schooling, Commensality, Indian State, State, Indian Society, Religion, Marriage, kinship System, Social Institution, Types of Marriage, Family, Community, Indology, Social Movement, Bride Wealth (Price)
The Development of Literacy and Schooling, Commensality, Indian State, State, Indian Society, Religion, Marriage, kinship System, Social Institution, Types of Marriage, Family, Community, Indology, Social Movement, Bride Wealth (Price)
- Smelser, N. J. and Baltes, P. B. (eds.) 2001. International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences. Vol. 15. Elsevier. Oxford Science Ltd.
- Ritzer, George and Ryan, J. Michael (eds) 2011. The Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Francis Gilbert, Introduction to Nation States: (29.12.2016/7:35pm)
- Hakim Afridi, University of Haripur - Nation State System: (29.12.2016/7:37pm)
- Various
Related Questions:
What is Nation-State?
Characteristics of Nation-State.
Example of Nation-State.