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Many of us may wonder ‘what is the meaning of Brahminization?’ or the ‘Concept of Brahminization’ to which we end up to find the conc...

Many of us may wonder ‘what is the meaning of Brahminization?’ or the ‘Concept of Brahminization’ to which we end up to find the concept of Sanskritization. Yup, this happens to every one of us as both the concepts are highly interrelated to each other to a great deal and may mean similar objective. But, Brahminization is limited to very few people in comparison with Sanskritization. Hence, I am here to give away a brief meaning to the term Brahminization in this piece of article.

The term Brahminization has been coined by M.N. Srinivas. It is the process, where a group of low caste or sub-caste (lower than Brahmins in caste hierarchy, like Kshatriyas…) individuals perform and follow customs, rituals, beliefs and Brahminic way of life to achieve Brahmnic status by climbing the hierarchical ladder in one or two generations. This concept of Brahminization is very much similar to the concept of Sanskritization, as Srinivas used the word Brahminization instead of Sanskritization at very beginning of his thesis in his book “Religion and Society among the Coorgs in South India – 1952” to denote social mobility in Indian context. 

The term Brahminization was later on replaced by Sanskritization as the term Brahminization was very narrow in its entailing than Sanskritization, “This process has been called ‘Sanskritization’ in this book, in preference to ‘Brahminization’ as certain Vedic rites are confined to Brahmins and the two other ‘twice-born’ castes.” (Srinivas 1952:30)

The rejection of the term Brahminization was due to major three reasons, as follows:
  1. “Brahminization is sub-assumed in the wider process of Sanskritization:
  2. The customs and habits of Brahmins changed after they settled in India; and
  3. The agents of Sanskritization were not, and are not always Brahmins.” (Barnabas 1961:613)
These all bring us altogether with no proper definition for the term Brahminization. Different Scholars have given vague definition to the concept of Brahminization, which is very synonymous to the concept of Sanskritization but in a narrower sense.


Visit some other related topics – Sanskritization, Sanskritization over Brahminization, De-SanskritisationIndology

  • Barnabas, A P. (1961). Sanskritisation. The Economic Weekly.
  • Srinivas, M.N. (1952). Religion and Society Among the Coorgs of South Indian. Asia Publishing House.
  • Various

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What is Brahminization?
Define Brahminization.
Concept of Brahminization.
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Meaning of Brahminization.

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