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a state is a political apparatus ..... State possesses a coercive authority,....

The question “what is state?” can be defined in many ways, according to one of them the state is an organism, and men are its parts, and therefore, the state is bigger than men. State is real and supreme. According to another view is that the state is a machine, an instrument, created by men, and therefore, it is not different from them. Men are real and the state is simply a device. Thus, one view is that man exists for the state, and the second view is that the state exists for man. The fact is that both are complementary to each other, and both have changed from time to time.

However, a state is a political apparatus (government institutions, plus civil service officials) ruling over a given territory, with an authority backed by law and the ability to use force. It is a distinct set of institutions that has the authority to make the rules which govern a society. Not all societies are characterized by the existence of a state. Hunting and gathering cultures, and smaller agrarian societies, lack state institutions. The emergence of the state marks a distinctive transition in human history, because the centralization of political power involved in state formation introduces new dynamics into processes of social change.

The existence of state is justified in terms of the goals which it aims to achieve for its citizens. The state thus exists to promote good life. It provides security, right to life, liberty and property. By obeying laws of the state, men promote their own welfare. Philosophically speaking the state is an embodiment to all virtues and perfection, but historically speaking, there are autocratic states on the one hand and liberal and democratic states on the other.

State possesses a coercive authority, which is legally supreme over any individual or group living in the society. For example, the Indian state has a territory government, citizens, associations and organizations. The relationships between the people and various associations are determined by the authority of the state.

No doubt, the state is the basis of all legitimate power over its people. It is a power over and above the people. But no state can become so ruthless that its members threaten the existence of the state itself. No state can use force at its command against its citizens without providing convincing justification because of the fear of rebellion. Public opinion can also go against the state itself if it uses force indiscriminately against the people. The people obey the state power because it performs at least two positive functions:
  • The welfare of the whole community;
  • The maintenance of law and order.

  •  K. L. Sharma, Indian Social Structure and Change. 

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Aptitude Amplifier: State
a state is a political apparatus ..... State possesses a coercive authority,....
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