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Social Movement

Social Movement

What is Social movements?A social movement is a form of collective behavior, which plays a vital role....

A social movement is a form of collective behavior in which a large number of people are united in an attempt to promote or resist social change. For most people, participation in a social movement is only informal and indirect. Usually, a shared sense of dissatisfaction brings people together. They feel concerted action is necessary to change the situation perceived to be undesirable. But many of them who participate in various activities in the movement may not necessarily join the organizations which sponsor’s it.

Social movements are comparatively well structured. Their members are not scattered, unorganized individuals but rather people consciously acting together in accordance with a shared belief system or ideology. And these arise because social conditions create dissatisfaction with the existing arrangements. People join specific social movements for an almost infinite variety of reasons including idealism, altruism, compassion and practical considerations as well as neurotic frustration.

Social movements play a vital part in the process by which a social problem is brought to public attention. Social movements throw light on various social problems which have been in existence since decades and centuries. Modern India has also witnessed a number of social movements ever since the 18th century.

Different Movements on different issues
Social movements of various types have been taking place in most of the societies of the modern world. In fact, they have become a part and parcel of the modern democratic societies. A social movement like “Alterative Social Movements” seeks to alter some specific behavior. The prohibition movement in India was designed to get people to stop drinking and to force governments to enforce the dry law. “Reformative Social Movements” advocate fundamental social reforms. Movements against untouchability, sati, child marriage and dowry are examples. 

“Transformative Social Movements” are revolutionary movements that aim at total transformation of society. French, Russian and Chinese revolutions brought about transformations of the social order. Then there are the nationalist movements, farmer’s movement and labour movements which attempt to bring about systematic changes. “Reactionary Social Movements” embrace the values of the past or some fundamental tenets of faith and want to return general society to yesterday’s values. Fundamentalist’s religious movement may be classified under this category. 

Expressive Social Movements simply express personal feelings of satisfaction and general well-being and people gain them for mutual support and togetherness. They chose an alternative lifestyle and subscribe to be a different set of values. The Hippie Movement of the 1960’s, Hare Krishna and various ‘communitarian’ groups fall into this category. Finally, some are obvious they are global in their orientation. Many of the ideologically based social movements transcend national boundaries.


  • Various.

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Aptitude Amplifier: Social Movement
Social Movement
What is Social movements?A social movement is a form of collective behavior, which plays a vital role....
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