What is Religion? It is a system of beliefs..... According to Emile Durkheim, religion as a unified ......
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to Emile Durkheim, religion as a unified system of beliefs and practices
relative to scared things uniting into a single moral community all those who
adhere to those beliefs and practices, that is to say, things set apart and
forbidden. Religion begins with, according to Durkheim, the division of the world
into two kinds of phenomena: the “profane” and the “sacred”. The profane is
concerned with the ordinary aspects of everyday life, it has nothing to do with
religious beliefs. The sacred refers to all objects and aspects of life set
apart from the ordinary, regarding as holy and related to the supernatural. The
latter forms the foundation of every religion. Anything that is sacred is so
special to the believers that it cannot be questioned. Mac Iver and Page have
defined religion as we understand the term, implies a relationship not merely
between man and man but also between man and some higher power.

to Anthony Giddens, there are three key elements in the definitions of
- RELIGION IS A FORM OF CULTURE: culture consists of the shared beliefs, values, norms and ideas that creates a common identity among a group of people.
- RELIGION INVOLVES BELIEFS THAT TAKE THE FORM OF RITUALIZED PRACTICES: all religions thus have a behavioural aspect – special activities in which believers take part and that identify them as members of the religions community.
- RELIGION PROVIDES A SENSE OF PURPOSE: perhaps most importantly a feeling that life is ultimately meaningful. It does so by explaining coherently and compellingly what transcends or overshadows everyday life, in ways that other aspects of culture (such as an educational system or a belief in democracy) typically cannot
Further M.
Francis Abraham has enumerated the following elements of religion besides
- An irresistible obsession with the sacred, variously defined as God, totem, supernatural, divine, or the ultimate.
- Symbols are present as any sacred objects like trishul, a cross, fire, totem, beads, prayer, wheels, etc.
- A social form with networks of institutional arrangements and status-roles (priests, temples, monks, churches, shrines monasteries).
- A moral philosophy which unites the mundane and the supernatural in a mystical blend.
- Holy texts believed to be based on revelation and containing the tenets of faith and rules of conduct.
- A system of rituals including festivals, ceremonies, prayers, religious services, feasts, sacrifices, fasts, offerings, pilgrimages, etc.
- An expressive culture, particularly visual and performing arts, including dancing, singing, chanting, processions, possession, mystical ecstasy, trance, alteration of psychological states through drugs and deprivation.
- Congregation which includes meetings, discourses and devotional gatherings.
To know more you can visit these significant topics:
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The Development of Literacy and Schooling, Commensality, Indian State, State, Indian Society, Marriage, kinship System, Social Institution, Types of Marriage, Family, Community, Indology, Social Movement, Bride Wealth (Price), Nation State
- Anthony Giddens, Sociology.
- M. Francis Abraham, Contemporary Sociology.
- Various.
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