What is '1337' / 'Leet'?

What is '1337' / 'Leet'?

So What is a Leet or 1337..?? Answer Lies Here..‘1337' signifies "elite", or just simply "leet" for short. It is a jargon term meant to describe someone with very high-end computer and gaming skills, in short a computer geek. It is a written language or cipher, very common while a person engaged in online gaming, e-mails, text messaging, tweeting, and other electronic communication....

So today to all the present readers of my site who are Leet and may be considering themselves as a Leet, may want to know what does it mean and whom it is denoted as. Well I am not a full Leet Member, but I can be one, if I want. If you want to be one, you should know what it is and what it used for..?? So read it out below..!!

‘1337' signifies "elite", or just simply "leet" for short. It is a jargon term meant to describe someone with very high-end computer and gaming skills, in short a computer geek. It is a written language or cipher, very common while a person engaged in online gaming, e-mails, text messaging, tweeting, and other electronic communication. The root of the term "leet" is the word "elite"--translated as 31337--and 1337 was initially developed as an exclusionary language: a way to encode text so that messages could only be read by the initiated and send to other persons who knew how to read it. The defining characteristic of 1337 is substitution of symbols and numbers for letters, for example, in the term "1337", it is considered to be,  1=L, 3=E and 7=T, but the language has also developed to include intentional misspellings, phonetic spelling, and new words. If you want to familiarize yourself with 1337, or if you're just curious about it, read the article on “How to read 1337/Leet Language”, which will explain all the basics of how to read and write in this ever-changing language era.

For Example the use of the term ‘1337’ or Leet is displayed below:-

Example 1)
Speaker 1:  Yeah! Did you see how quickly we created this program? We did it good!
A Ideal Example: If You Can Read This You Are Leet..
Speaker 2: We're leet, bro! Uber skills right here, in our Brain!

Example 2)
Speaker 1: My Company is hiring. We need a PHP programmer with seriously 1337 skills. The person must know Apache server and AJAX.
Speaker 2: I might know a leet code monkey for you. Let me see if he's online right now...

An Excellent Example of 1337 5P34K

The Story behind '1337 Leet':-

In the days of Microsoft Windows 95, a group of infamous hackers named "The Dead Cow Cult" used to take remote control of Windows 95 machines, that is computers or rather PC. They used a nasty software package called Back Orifice, and used the network port 31337 to take over thousands of Win95 computers worldwide. Their purposeful misspelling of the world "elite" as "leet" or "1337" was a way to bypass censorship programs. Years later, the Dead Cow Cult influence has morphed into a subculture of jargon and power user language. People who speak "leet" today are not malicious hacker’s. Instead leet language or speakers are often the trademark of serious Internet gamers and people who pride themselves on being technically shrewd.

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Aptitude Amplifier: What is '1337' / 'Leet'?
What is '1337' / 'Leet'?
So What is a Leet or 1337..?? Answer Lies Here..‘1337' signifies "elite", or just simply "leet" for short. It is a jargon term meant to describe someone with very high-end computer and gaming skills, in short a computer geek. It is a written language or cipher, very common while a person engaged in online gaming, e-mails, text messaging, tweeting, and other electronic communication....
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