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How to Read & Write in 1337 / Leet Language?

How to Read & Write in 1337 / Leet Language?

So guys if you wanna know how to write and read in the famous Leet language.. You should follow this...All the basic tips and tricks are her...

So guys How to read and write in ‘Leet’ / ‘1337’ Language..?? The Answer for this question lies here. Just follow the basic tips and tricks to accommodate yourself into the world of Leet Members.

So here goes the basic important tweaks and tips for you all, considering it, just go with ease on learning them:-

  1. Keep an open mind. Like all languages, 1337 isn't static. Reading 1337 can be difficult and the language may not always appear to make sense, especially since new words, random capitalizations and alternative spellings proliferate. You can learn basic guidelines for 1337, but there are no rules, and individuals alter the language to suit their own needs. It is important to keep in mind, however, that the same can be said for any language. All languages are living and changing; 1337 is simply very alive and changing quickly.
  2. Think of the symbols as shapes and not as their meanings. For example, a 5 looks a bit like an S, as does a $, so either of these symbols (among others) could be substituted for an S. When writing in 1337, you can follow guidelines such as those below, you can use the same substitutions of symbols for letters that you see other people using, or you can make up your own substitutions.
  3. Combine two or more symbols and numbers to make single letters, such as |= for F or |3 for B. Again, you will find some frequently-used combination substitutions, but don't be afraid to be creative when you're writing, and don't be discouraged if you come across something unfamiliar when you're reading.
  4. Pay attention to context. If you can't figure out the meaning of a symbol, try to guess its meaning based on the letters (symbols) around it. This is a bit like playing hangman or Wheel of Fortune: you try to figure out the missing letter or letters by looking at the surrounding letters. The same can be said of whole words. If a word doesn't make sense, you might not be translating it right, or it might be unfamiliar slang. Try to guess its meaning by looking at adjacent words or the sentence which contains the word.
  5. Familiarize yourself with common phonetic replacements. In addition to symbol for- letter replacement, 1337 can include letters which substitute for other letters, sounds or words. For instance, f = ph, cks = xx, s = z or r = are. This practice is certainly not unique to 1337--you don't have to be a 1337$p34|<3r (leetspeaker) to figure out the phrase "i luv u."
    An Excellent Example of 1337 5P34K
  6. Brace yourself for flagrant misspellings. Some, such as "kewl" (for "cool") are phonetic replacements, while others such as "teh" (for "the), or "ownt" and "pwned" (for "owned") have just grown into the language as an inside joke. Other variations, such as omission of vowels, are also common. "Creative" spelling is just part of 1337.
  7. Learn new grammatical structures. 1337 users often deviate from standard English grammatical structures, and they have invented some grammatical devices of their own. For example, the suffix "0rz" can be added to a word to make it plural or to add emphasis, as in "r0xx0rz" for "rocks," where "r0xx" would substitute for "rocks". Another common suffix is "3d," used to indicate the past tense such that "rocked" becomes "r0xx0r3d," as is "7h47 r0xx0r3d" ("that rocked"). It has also become something of a convention to change verbs to nouns by preceding the verb with "the" or, especially, "teh."
  8. Embrace acronyms. Though technically just chat-speak, the use of acronyms and abbreviations is common in 1337. There are a tremendous number of acronyms used in electronic communication, among them BTW ("by the way"), TTYL ("talk to you later"), and the ubiquitous LOL (generally meaning "laugh out loud").
  9. Expand your vocabulary. Though most of the "new" words in 1337 are simply misspellings of English words ("taht", for example, or "pwn"), some are actually new coinages, such as "nooblet"--this could be written, for example, as "n008137"—which denotes a "noobie," or the 'newguy' |\|3\/\/|3 (newb) someone new to 1337 or something else. The best way to learn the vocabulary is to read a lot of 1337.
  10. Adapt to inconsistency. Sometimes, you'll see people with 1337 "skillz," sometimes you'll see "5k1||5," and sometimes "$c1llz0r3d." Sometimes all three will be the same person writing in the same passage. There is a lot of inconsistency in 1337--get used to it.
  11. cApItalizE at random. Random capitalization is arguably an integral part of 1337. Some writers employ a consistent method, such as capitalizing all letters except vowels or only ending letters, but many simply capitalize letters (where they are not replaced by symbols), whenever they want..
  12. Practice reading 1337 and study the chart below. The only way to really learn 1337 is to absorb it by reading and writing a lot of it.

A Ideal Example of Leet Language: If You Can Read This You Are Leet..

1337 Chart

LettersCombination of Different Characters
A4, /-\, @, ^, /\ , //-\\ /=\
B8, ]3, ]8, |3, |8, ]]3, 13
C(, { , [[, <, €
D), [}, |), |}, |>, [>, ]]), Ð
E3, ii, €
F|=,(=, ]]=, ph
G6, 9, (_>, [[6, &, (,
H#, |-|, (-), )-(, }{, }-{, {-}, /-/, \-\, |~|, []-[], ]]-[[,╫
I1, !, |, ][, []
J_|, u|, ;_[], ;_[[
K|<, |{, ][<, ]]<, []<
L|,1, |_, []_, ][_, £
M/\/\, |\/|, [\/], (\/), /V\, []V[], \\\, (T), ^^, .\\, //., ][\\//][,JVL
N/\/, |\|, (\), /|/, [\], {\}, ][\][, []\[], ~
O0, (), [], <>, *, [[]]
P|D, |*, |>, []D, ][D
Q(,) or 0, or O, or O\ or []\
R|2, |?, |-, ]]2 []2 ][2
T7, +, ']', 7`, ~|~, -|-, '][', "|", †
U(_), |_|, \_\, /_/, \_/, []_[], ]_[, μ
V\/ , \\//,√
W\/\/, |/\|, [/\], (/\), VV, ///, \^/, \\/\//, 1/\/, \/1/, 1/1/
X><, }{, )(, }[
Y'/, %, `/, \j , ``//, ¥, j, \|/, -/
Z2, z, 7_,`/_
  • The commas are added to separate symbols
  • The symbol | (Example: B = |3 ) is a "down-slash", or "pipe", and not a lower-case "L" or capital "i"
  • The symbol ` (Example: T = 7`) is not a standard apostrophe, but is a "Grave Accent" and is found on the tilde (~) key
  • Also keep in mind that the use of /-/ for H for example, aren't used nearly as often as the normal letter in a quick conversation. To write an entire sentence this way would take three times as long, thus the quicker single symbol or letter substitutions are more often used.
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Aptitude Amplifier: How to Read & Write in 1337 / Leet Language?
How to Read & Write in 1337 / Leet Language?
So guys if you wanna know how to write and read in the famous Leet language.. You should follow this...All the basic tips and tricks are her...
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